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Fruit Trees in West Coast USA

Fruit Trees in West Coast the USA Nothing could be more delicious than the fruits you have grown in your own backyard. Especially if you are living on West Coast, USA, there are many fruit trees that you can plant. If you are thinking that planting fruit trees in West Coast USA is going to be hectic or very laborious, then you might be wrong. Yeah, it needs some technicalities to choose and plant fruit trees but believes me, it’s not that difficult that you are not taking action. You just have to choose the fruit trees according to your climate because choosing the right fruit trees according to your climate is the key to your success. Fruit trees not only give you production but also add an artistic and ornamental effect to your garden. So, let’s take a look at the climate of West Coast USA and the types of trees that can be grown there. The climate of West Coast USA: The temperature in this region is mild throughout the year and never falls below 0 degrees Celsius. There are both Winter and Summer seasons. It has wild winters and moderate summer as compared to other regions of the US. It has a hot season from June-October while the winter season lasts from December-March. So due to the presence of both weather, its climate suits most of the fruit trees.  So choose those fruit trees that can withstand the climate of the West Coast USA and also give you much fruit production. But its climate and soil are suited to grow many types of fruit. It is best to choose the varieties that are diseases resistant also. Tips to Grow Fruit Trees:
  • Choose a location that receives a minimum of eight hours of full sunlight each day because fruit trees need that to survive and produce.
  • Be sure that the height is not limited by any structure such as buildings, bridges, or any other tree. It will restrict the trees from reaching their maximum size.
  • Choose the trees according to your climate, therefore know your regional climate first, and then decided the fruit trees to plant.
  • Prepare your soil and dig the hole in it before bringing the plant from the nursery.
  • Fruit trees can be of three types depending upon their sizes upon maturing:
    • Dwarf:They grow up to 8-10 ft and are less productive.
    • Semi-Dwarf:They can grow up to 10-15 ft and give more production than dwarf trees.
    • Standard:Their height can reach up to 20 ft and even more and are the most productive ones.
  • Search that if your trees are self-pollinating or not. In this case, if your trees are cross-pollinating, you will need two same types of trees to get fruits.
  • For most fruit trees, moist and well-drained soil is best.
  • Choose diseases and insect-resistant varieties so that you don’t have to spend much money on sprays.
Best Fruit Trees to Grow in North Coast USA: Not a single fruit can be planted on the whole of the west coast of the USA; it varies from area to area. The Pacific region of the USA is comparatively cold in its weather as the states like Oregon, Washington, and California have similar weather conditions. What kind of trees would be suitable in a region largely depends upon its weather conditions. So, let’s dive into the list of trees you can grow on the western coast of the USA.
  1. Citrus:
The growth of citrus fruit has become manifolds with extensive research being put into this. Research conducted at the University of California has given citrus trees production and quality new dimensions. What is more interesting about growing citrus trees in South California is that you can grow them anytime in the year, but the best recommended time is spring or fall but spring being the batter choice of the two.  In winter, the soil is too cold, and in summer, the air is too hot. It would take above five years to them producing fruits, particularly for the plants growing from seeds.
  1. Peaches and nectarines:
Washington State is one of the top producers of peach and nectarines in the USA. Peach and nectarines mostly thrive in the dry Okanagan Valley. In areas where the weather remains comparatively dry, peaches don’t have significant hurdles growing in that area. But the persistent spring rainfall poses a challenge for Peaches and nectarines to grow. It is better that you choose pencil-sized wood or slightly larger and cut it back to at least half of its growth. There is also a series of genetic dwarf peaches that are very compact in size—5 to 6 feet in size.
  1. Plums:
Prunus subcordata, commonly known as plum, is native to western California and western and southern Oregon. It is a small tree growing to 8 meters in height. The best time to plant them in late winter or early spring. However, selecting a location for plum trees is equally important; one of the characteristics is that your chosen point should receive 6-8 hours of sun.  While planting a plum tree, it is important to keep the graft union 1 to 2 inches above the soil line.
  1. Kiwi:
Kiwifruit is largely present in California, although Chinese native, now it has become quite easier to grow in the USA as well. The suitable climate for kiwifruit is winter temperature below 7 degrees. Also, a frost-free season is needed for kiwis to grow. Moreover, in areas where rainfall is comparatively high, kiwifruits can be planted. In California, Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys are the main kiwi-producing places. And minimum placing should be 3meter for single trees.
  1. Apricots
The majority of apricots grown in the USA come from the northern California valley, but if suitable conditions are present, they can grow anywhere.  While planting Apricots, you should choose a spot that gets maximum sun. In their dormant period, they need a temperature below 45 degrees Fahrenheit. As long as the soil is not overly wet or frozen, you can plant an apricot tree. Conclusion: All these above-mentioned trees can also be planted in your backyard, making it beautiful, to say the least. Once the required conditions are given, these trees can bring about a revolution in your life.