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Eutypa Dieback

Eutypa dieback Common name Eutypa dieback Cytosporina Gummosis Limb dieback Causal agent It is caused by a wood infecting fungus of genus Eutypa. It causes delayed or stunted shoot growth, especially in grapevine species. Scientific name Eutypa lata Symptoms & Signs The first symptom of Eutypa dieback is a wedge-shaped canker around open wounds on barks or branches. This delays stem growth and make them stunted. It is more common on young, freshly pruned branches. Severely infected branches produce small, chlorotic leaves with rough margins. It causes the death of spurs, canes, arms, and sometimes the whole trunk. Transmission It transfers to other healthy plants through rain, wind, and contaminated tools and hands. The spores usually enter through wounds made through mishandling of pruning tools. Time of concern Early spring to late fall Common hosts Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon Almond Apricot Kiwi Pear Willow