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Entomosporium Leaf Spot

Entomosporium leaf spot Common name Entomosporium leaf spot Hawthorn leaf blight Quince leaf blight Causal agent It is a fungal disease caused by a pathogen from the genus entomosporium. It attacks woody plants of the family rosacea. Scientific name Entomosporium maculatum Symptoms & Signs It starts off as small, sunken red spots on the leaves surrounded by a yellow, red, or purple halo. As the disease progresses, the spots get darker and larger in size, with a spore-forming body in the center. The spots are also seen on stems and petioles. Severely infected leaves fall off while the branches start developing cankers. Transmission Entomosporium leaf spot spreads through wind, water, contaminated tools, and human contact. Warm, humid, and wet weather favors the growth of fungus and the spread of spores. Time of concern Early spring to late fall Common hosts Apple Crabapple Hawthorn Quince Pear Evergreen