Dactylis glomerata – Cocksfoot – Orchard Grass –
D. glomerata – This pasture grass, is not an ornamental grass, however in its variegated forms it can be attractive and will make a ground cover in sun or semi shade.
zones 5-9
Dactylis – Cocksfoot – Orchard Grass –
There are 2 species of evergreen, coarse perennial grasses, in this genus. They occur in open grassland in Europe, Northern Africa, and temperate Asia. They have linear leaves and one-sided panicles of compressed, pale green spikelets. D. glomerata ‘Variegata’ looks best at the front of a border or in a rock garden. They are one of the more notorious hayfewer grasses when flowering in spring.
Plant in fertile, moist, well drained soil in sun or partial shade.. Divide in early and mid spring or in early autumn. They respond vigorously to fertilizer.
Prone to several leaf diseases.