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Coral Spot – Nectria cinnabarina

Coral spot Common name Coral spot Causal agent Coral spot is a fungal disease of woody plants Scientific name Nectria cinnabarina Symptoms & Signs The fungus causes the formation of coral-pink pustules, causing dieback of the branches. The coral-pink pustules are the fruiting bodies that produce spores. It kills the bark, cambium, and sapwood, hampering the growth of the plant. In some cases, the bark lesions are water-soaked. The disease also causes premature shedding of the foliage. Transmission The fungus produces spores that travel to other trees through wind, insects, or water. It prefers growing in cool, temperate regions with relatively warm and moist weather conditions. Time of concern Throughout the year Common hosts Beech Maple Elm Fagus Acer Tilia