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Cane Gall – Agrobacterium rubi

Cane gall Common name Cane gall Causal agent It is caused by soil-borne bacteria and greatly resembles crown gall disease. Scientific name Agrobacterium rubi Symptoms & Signs The first symptoms of cane gall are the formation of white, spongy, rough eruption on the fruiting cane. As the disease progresses, these eruptions later turn brown and then black, resembling woody knots. It causes restriction and overall stunted cane growth. Since the canes are weakened, they are easily broken by strong winds. Cane gall usually affects the black and purple raspberries. Transmission It spreads to other plants by means of water, wind, insects, and infected tools. The bacteria enter the plant through wounds. Splits due to bending the cane can also result in cane gall. Time of concern Early spring to late summer Common hosts Raspberries Blackberries