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Brassica Wire Stem – Rhizoctonia solani

Brassica wire stem Common name Brassica wire stem Causal agent Brassica wire stem is a fungal disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani. It affects several types of cole crops. Scientific name Rhizoctonia solani Symptoms & Signs The first symptom of brassica wire stem disease is a dark lesion on the stem just above the soil. As the disease progresses, the lesion extends to the roots as well. The overall growth of the plant is stunted, along with wilted stems and leaves. It also causes the seedlings to shrivel and wilt. Transmission It spreads through infected soil, tools, water, and contact. Animals and insects can also transfer the disease to healthy plants. Since it is caused by a fungus, the disease spreads more rapidly during moist conditions. Time of concern Early spring to fall Common hosts Kale Cabbage Brocolli Cauliflower