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Beauveria Bassiana – Beauveria bassiana

Beauveria bassiana Common name Beauveria bassiana White muscardine fungus Causal agent The beauveria bassiana fungi come in contact with several insects and penetrate their body. Once inside the body, it kills the insect and produces a white mold from the cadaver. Scientific name Beauveria bassiana Symptoms & Signs Beauveria bassiana infects the insects by penetrating the spores in the host insect’s body. It kills the insects and produces a white mold from its cadaver, which continues to produce more spores. Transmission It is transmitted by spores that are penetrated into the insect body through the cuticle. The spores can also be transferred to other areas by means of a carrier, such as wind or water. Time of concern Throughout the year Common hosts Aphids Bugs Mealybugs Grasshoppers Caterpillars