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Beautiful Blooming Deer Resistant Plants

Beautiful Blooming Deer Resistant Plants Have you ever sensed a sudden feeling of anger and helplessness where you cannot do anything? Well, if not, you certainly will if some animals, especially deers, came strolling to your backyard and chomped on all those beauties you planted. As much as you want to find a solution to this, there is none. Your best bet would be to change your Plantation to beautiful blooming deer-resistant plants. If there is a specific plant you adore that is not deer resistant, try growing it in the middle of other deer-resistant plantations. Another idea would be to place large, thorny bushes around your plants. Whatever you do, there is a certain extent to which your plants would be safe. The safest plants are those that are bitter tasting, with rough thorns and spikes on them. This repels away the deer, who apparently have good taste. Here is a specially curated list of pretty, vibrant plants that are deer resistant.  

12 beautiful blooming deer-resistant plants


1. Flowering tobacco (Nicotiana sylvestris):

A great plant that is pretty and also deer resistant is flowering tobacco. They grow in clusters of delicate white flowers that uplift your backyards immediately. You can smell a slight fragrance that drives the deer away. That is exactly what you want. Flowering tobacco grows well in the shade, which is apparent from its late July and August bloom.

2. Purple fountain grass (Pennisetum set. ‘Rubrum’):

As observed by the name, purple fountain grass consists of large purple and burgundy ornamental leaves and flowers. They work great as your garden borders and work like a charm in keeping deer away. It might be a large size or their rapid growth that helps stop the herbivores from chewing your hard-planted plants.

3. Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus):

If you love colors in your garden but are scared that they might attract deers, snapdragons would be the right fit. They are available in any color you want. Whether you want a multi-color range of tall spikes or a single color, this plant has got you covered. A tall spike shape is a great tool in shooing away the deers and other animals that might be a threat to your Plantation.

4. Sweet alyssum (Lobularia maritima):

Another addition to the beautiful blooming deer-resistant plants is sweet alyssum. They look as sweet as their name and smell as divine. Their strong smell is one reason deers stay far from them. These plants can survive harsh conditions and still produce fragile clusters of low-height flowers. Sweet alyssum is usually seen in the late months of the year when the weather is relatively moderate.

5. Butterfly weed (Asclepias tuberosa):

Butterfly weed is a lovely species of warm flowers that come in a variety of shades of yellow and orange. These flowers attract butterflies and insects like a magnet, all the while repelling grazing animals like deers. You would not expect the deer to stay away from such lively flowers, but surprisingly they do. It is the slightly bitter taste that does it for them.

6. Hellebore (Helleborus ssp. And Hybrids):

Hellebores are an early spring evergreen plant. They come in pretty shades of pink and can grow in a variety of weather conditions. You do not have to be mindful of the location, sun, and other factors since they can grow anywhere. Even though these rose-like deer-resistant plants can grow anywhere, they show their true beauty in somewhat shaded and well-moisturized areas.

7. Lamb’s ear (Stachys byzantine):

These large-leaved plants are a perfect addition to your backyard if you have constant deer company. The velvet-textured and hairy cuticle does not attract the deer, hence keeping your Plantation safe. You can also plant it around other plants, which saves them from the wrath of deers too. It is easy to care for, making them all the more worthwhile.

8. Lavender (Lavandula spp. And hybrids):

Ironically the lavender scent you love is what makes the deers run away. This is a win-win situation for you from both ends. By growing Lavender in your garden, you get a strongly scented garden that is deer repellant as well. These plants can also withstand a scarcity of water, making them an ideal option.

9. Butterfly bush (Buddleja spp. And Hybrids)

Butterfly bush is a delicate plant consisting of clusters of purple, violet, and pink colored tiny flowers. They have a fragrance much like honey, attracting pollinators of all types. Their scent is also the reason that deers do not like this variety. They grow rapidly due to their fast cultivation. Keep the plant in the sun and look up to find a large bunch of beautiful flowers surrounding your backyard.

10. Peony (Paeonia spp. And Hybrids):

Peonies are a must-have plant species for your garden hedge. After all, who can resist a huge, colored bud with a magnificent smell? They provide a spectacular sight when grown together. Their massive size, combined with the strong scent, puts off the deers. Hence, you can never forget peonies when looking for beautiful blooming deer-resistant plants.

11. Potentilla (Potentilla fruticose):

Another plant species that deer totally loathe is Potentilla. These low-growing shrubs come in a variety of colored flowers. You can grow it once and see it thriving all season long. Potentillas are robust plants that can grow in a variety of conditions. The tiny five-petalled flowers are a beautiful sight to observe. You do not have to worry about the deers, and the green shrubs are enough to make them run away.

12. Skimmia (Skimmia japonica):

The large, shiny leaves of Skimmia japonica do not look appetizing to the deers, saving them from their chomping. The tiny bunch of flowers is surrounded by thick, green leaves. The flowers also come in a variety of colors, making them one of the best blooming deer-resistant plants. Skimmia works great as an ornamental plant that looks beautiful and is effective in keeping the deers away.

Consult with Us:

You are wrong if you think deer-resistant plants have to be boring. All the plants listed above are outstandingly beautiful. This way, you get to add color and magic to your backyards and gardens without being bothered by the occasional deer rampages. If you want to purchase any of the above plants, do consult with us as we have a wide variety of deer-resistant plants for you.