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Bark Scalding

Bark scalding Common name Bark scalding Sun scalding Bark splitting Southwest injury Causal agent It is caused by high temperatures, especially during the winter. The hot, sunny days in the winter awaken the bark cells from dormancy which fail to return to dormancy at night when the temperature drops again. This causes the death of bark which appears sunken. Symptoms & Signs Due to the fluctuating temperatures in the winter, the bark cells do not go back to dormancy. This causes the death of the bark, which appears as a cracked or sunken piece of bark on the trunk, mostly on the southwest side. The dead bark may fall off, attracting insects inside the bark. As a result, the tree weakens. It also damages the fruits and bronzes the leaves. Time of concern Throughout the year but mostly in winter Common hosts Maple Mountain ash Walnut Birch Willow Fruit trees