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Bacterial Canker – Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae – Pseudomonas syringae pv. Mors-prunorum

Bacterial canker Common name Bacterial canker Gummosis Blossom blast Dieback Twig blight Causal agent Bacterial canker is caused by two bacteria belonging to the genus Pseudomonas. They infect the members of the prunus family, especially plums and cherries. Scientific name Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae
  1. syringae pv. Mors-prunorum
Symptoms & Signs Bacterial canker is characterized by spotted, yellow leaves which may day and fall out. The stem develops sunken, dead areas with a gummy ooze. Fruits also develop water-soaked lesions with dead spots leading to their death. Twig dieback and death of larger branches; in fact, the whole tree is pretty common. Transmission The bacterias are already present on the surface of the leaves and stems. They enter the plant through stomata or openings like leaf wounds or scars. Water, wind, and insects are the most common mode of transmission. Infectious tools are another common reason for their spread. Time of concern Early spring to winter Common hosts Cherry Plum Peach Apricots