Ash Midrib Gall Midge – Continaria Canadensis
Ash Midrib Gall Midge (Continaria Canadensis)
Latin Name: Continaria Canadensis
Common Name: Ash Midrib Gall Midge
Appearance: These galls, which are usually 1/2 inch to 1 inch long, are succulent and have strong walls.
Territory: throughout much of the southeast United States
Damages caused by Ash Midrib Gall Midge
To be successful, gall manufacturers must strike at a precise moment. They might not be able to get the plant to develop the tissue that forms the gall if they don’t do so. The galls are unlikely to be harmful to the health of the trees.
Beneficial garden insects:
Some bugs are beneficial to the garden. These wonderful guys are known as “beneficial insects,” and they may be extremely useful to your garden by devouring pest insects that would otherwise consume your plants. Here’s a rundown of some of the most popular helpful insects and how to get them into your garden.
Some beneficial garden insects are given:
- Ladybirds (Coleoptera)
- Lacewings (Neuroptera)
- Hoverflies (Diptera)
- Parasitic wasps (Hymenoptera)
- Solitary bees (Hymenoptera)
- Ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae)