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Scented flowering privacy hedges

Scented flowering privacy hedges Imagine you are sitting out in your garden and it’s spring and enjoying the beauty of daffodils and the fragrance of freshly cut grass. Wouldn’t it be great? Yeah, Sure it will be. But here’s more, planting scented privacy hedges can enhance your enjoyment. Scented privacy hedges not only provide a natural screening to your home from your spying neighbors, noise, and wind but also add an additional sensory element to your atmosphere of the home. What Makes a Great Scented Flowering Privacy Hedge: Hedges that are evergreen having strongly scented flowers are the best plants to grow in your house that will not only screen your house but also add an aroma to the air around your house, giving it a wow element. Scented privacy hedges should be fast-growing, grow to your desired, and easy to be managed. In short, an ideal scented flowering privacy hedge creates a natural screen of dense foliage to keep noise, wind and spying neighbors away. Caring for Scented Flowering Privacy Hedge: The ideal privacy hedge should not need much care to survive. Many evergreen hedges don’t need much care. They grow much tall and straight and only need pruning to control their height and spread.
  • Planting privacy hedges in fall, spring, and winter only in those areas where the ground does not freeze.
  • Water the hedges regularly for the first two years. Once they get established, you can water them occasionally.
  • Generally, privacy hedges don’t need any fertilizers for growth, but if you want fast and good growth, add slow-releasing nitrogen fertilizers before spring for good foliage.
  • Prune them yearly in spring as it is a good time for the growth of hedges.
Here’s the list of top scented flowering hedges that will add an aromatic touch to your house atmosphere.
  1. Mock Orange:
Mock orange is a stunning fragrant hedge that has been named for what it is, not for what it is. As its name is suggesting, that is, it mimics something. Mock orange is not an orange rather, the fragrance of its white flowers resembles that of citrus, giving it the name of mock orange. It grows best in loamy and well-drained soils and needs full sun exposure to part shade.
  1. Lilac:
Lilac is a treasure for your smell, having wonderfully scented flowers that leave an everlasting impact on your olfactory system. There are many cultivars of Lilac available. The fragrance of its flowers is so sweet that it attracts not only humans but also butterflies and adds another beauty to your garden. It grows best in loamy soils requiring full sun exposure. It is one of the densest and close-grained hedges having hardwood.
  1. Diablo Ninebarks:
Diablo ninebark has dark foliage and grows to a height of 10 ft with a uniform spread. Its multi-branched foliage grows very fast. Varieties that bloom in late spring or early summer bears white or pink flowers in June. Its flowers grow in clusters that resemble that of spirea shrubs. Diablo Ninebark is also known as “Purple Ninebarks” or “Purple-leafed Ninebarks”  due to its purplish foliage with a red tinge. In fall, the red color increase with a slight tinge of bronze, which enhances its beauty. It grows best in clay or loamy soils and needs full sun to partial sun exposure.
  1. Burkwood Viburnum:
It is a multi-stemmed upright and semi-evergreen plant with stunning fragrant flowers. It has dark green glossy leaves that turn maroon in early winter. It is a cross between Viburnum utile and Viburnum carlesii. It grows 8-10 ft tall and 6-7 ft wide. It becomes more spreading and round as it grows old. It grows best in average, medium fertile, humus-rich, moist, and well-drained soils. It needs full sun or part shade. It is also an attractive hedge for butterflies and hummingbirds.
  1. Night Blooming Jasmine:
Night-blooming Jasmine is named so due to its white-yellow and tubular flowers that bloom at night and close during the day. It is famous and known for its sweet fragrance and perhaps the plant with the world’s strongest scent. When its flowers bloom at night, they release such a sweet fragrance that spread within 300-500 ft around the plant. It grows best in fertile and well-drained soils and needs full or partial sun. It requires moderate watering once a week.
  1. Crape Myrtle:
Some Crape Myrtles grow up to length ranging from small to medium, but some cultivars such Dazzle and Filli series grow very dense and produce large crepe-papery flowers having crimped petals. It grows to a height less than 5 ft. It has a long blooming period and bright color in fall. It grows best in moist, well-drained, and loamy soil with medium fertility. It needs full sun exposure. It is once established needs water occasionally.
  1. Irene Koster Azalea
Irene Koster Azalea is a deciduous hedge with a massive display of the flower, heavily scented blooms with a funnel shape. Dark pink stripes are present on the buds that give rise to rose-pink flowers having brownish-orange spots on the upper petals. It needs partial to full sun exposure and grows good in moist, well-drained loamy soils. It grows to a height of 6-7 ft tall and width of 4-5ft.
  1. Mexican Orange Blossom:
As the name shows, it is native to U.S. and Mexico and has strong scented white flowers. It very dense, evergreen, and rounded shrub with glossy, aromatic green leaves. Each leaf is composed of three leaflets. They offer great attraction for bees and butterflies because they are rich in nectar. Both the flowers and leaves of Mexican Orange Blossoms have a fragrance of orange blossoms. It grows to a height of 4-8 ft and needs fertile, well-drained, and loamy to clayey soil. It prefers full sun exposure.
  1. Black Tower Elderberry:
Black Tower Elderberry is a wonderful purple colored shrub with stunning pink blooms, purple foliage, and blackish-red berries that birds eat. It is to grow and thrive in full to partial sun. It is one of the best choices for creating scented privacy hedges in house. It grows 6-8 ft and blooms in early summer.