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Plants That Can Survive Coastal Exposure

Plants That Can Survive Coastal Exposure Planning a garden along the coastline? Plan with us as we know that knowing the plants that can survive coastal exposure and buying them from the right place is all it takes. This post is a complete guide on plants that can survive coastal exposure, where to buy them, and the things to keep in mind while planting in the coastal area. But let’s first answer even if there are such plants or not. Can Plant Survive in Coastal Areas Mythically, plants cannot thrive in or around coastal areas. In reality, some plants can. Adaption to the coastal habitat let coastal plants withstand the strong wind, sandy soil, and salty water. These plants have tough leathery leaves, which protect them from salt damage and help reduce water loss. Moreover, some hedging plants act as a fence for other plants against heavy winds, allowing them to grow under suitable conditions. Here’s the bonus, below is the key for plants survival at the shoreline;
  1. Create a windbreak
  2. Soil testing
  3. Choose the right plant.
  4. Check neighboring gardens
Curious which plants will grow and flourish along the coast? Let’s figure it out. Which Plants Can Survive in Coastal Areas Plants at the coast are famous for their wilderness and freedom. We have come up with a list of plants that can thrive entirely in the coastal zone despite the challenging environment. Types of Plants That Can Survive Coastal Exposure
  1. Sea Lavender
Lavandula angustifolia short lavender is a 3 feet long plant with an amazingly soothing fragrance. Plant Requirements
  • Grow in full light
  • Hardiness zones: 5-10
  • Can tolerate drought
  • Soil with good drainage
  • Water requirement – Before planting lavender, don’t forget to soak it in water and water well during the first year
You can quickly grow this plant in sandy soil along the beach.
  1. Rosmarinus Officinalis
Rosmarinus Officinalis, or Rosemary, is resilient to the sea air, and this Mediterranean herb is pungent in flavor. You can use this hardy herb both in gardening and cooking. With that said, Rosemary has an evergreen structure and has blue flowers that smell fantastic! Plant Requirements Growing these hardy herbs requires an average amount of water and an excellent drainage system. With the hardiness zone 9, Rosemary prefers to grow in sunny conditions.
  1. Sea Kale (Crambe Maritima)
Sea Kale is an excellent plant for greenery and is another example of gardening and eating. These edible plants are also known as sea cabbage, with their stem resembling celery and asparagus. Besides, this plant dies in winters and grows again when spring comes. Plant Requirements: With hardiness varying between 4-8, sea kale requires full sun and fertile soil to grow.
  1. Armeria Maritima (Sea Thrift)
Being low-growing plants with purple pom-pom head, these plants are robust and ideal for growing in coastal areas. Plant Requirements: Sea kale requires less water once it has established, and the hardiness zone ranges from 4-8. This wild pink plant does best in full sun in the northern climate and prefers partly sunny in the south.
  1. Yarrow
This lovely coastal plant is easy to grow and pest free. Yarrow comes in different colors ranging from white, pink and red to terra-cotta orange and rich yellow. Plus, it can hold up to cold, strong winds and is drought tolerant. But if you have pets at home, we will recommend you not go for this sea variety as it might be toxic to animals, especially cats and dogs, causing them diarrhea and hypersalivation. Plant Requirements:
  • Zone: 3-9
  • Sun requirement: grows in full sun.
  • Water requirement: intolerant to wet soil.
  1. Echium Vulgare (Viper’s Bugloss)
There is nothing better than this tall plant with upright spikes on its tiny purple flower. Home to bees and pollinators, this plant is a self-seed. Hence, it is low maintenance. Plant Requirements: It grows in full sun. Water requirement: It performs best in well-drained soil but is equally happy in dry conditions. Its delicate appearance put on flowers shows all summer long.
  1. Sea Oats
Native to North-America sea oats, it bears unique seed plumes and attractive bronze foliage in fall. This ornamental grass is easy to care for and can thrive anywhere you plant it. Plant Requirements: Sun Requirement: Prefer both sunny and shady areas. Water Requirement: Tolerate droughts well and prefers moist, well-drained soil. Hardiness Zone: 4-8
  1. Portulaca
This drought-tolerant plant is ideal for salty soil. Tough as nails, this low, creepy coastal plant grow happily in hanging baskets and other containers. Portulaca blooms in a range of shades, from red and orange to magenta, yellow, and white. Plant Requirements:
  • Sun Requirement: Favors full sun.
  • Water Requirement: Plant in soil that is well-drained. Drought tolerant
  1. Thyme
Thyme: Versatile herb that can tolerate drought and suits coastal conditions well. Besides rigid and robust, this herb is also appreciated for its ornamental properties. The reputation of thyme has been grown over the years because of its medicinal qualities. The surprisingly essential oil found in the leaves of this plant is good at treating coughs. Plant Requirements:
  • Light: Requires plenty of suns to thrive.
  • Water Requirement: Plant in well-drained soil.
  • Zone: 4-9
  1. English Ivy
Ivy being invasive entirely covers the space once it takes hold. This plant is likely to grow wild and free. Also, as a climber, it conceals country houses and garage, so growing them in a basket will be a good compromise. Plant Requirements:
  • Light: like shady areas
  • Water: maintain moisture when growing but once established, they can survive dry conditions too.
  1. California Poppy
Eschscholzia californica or California poppy. Plant Requirements:
  • Light: thrive best in full sun
  • Water: requires little water until fully developed.
  • Hardiness Zone: 5-10
Right Plant, Right Place! Growing plants and keeping them healthy in the coastal zone must be challenging. But we have made it a lot easier for you now! Contact us to buy some exotic plants that can survive coastal exposure and add more beauty to your corner.