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Plant Nutrients Deficiency

Plant Nutrients Deficiency Are you a gardening enthusiast wondering why despite all your efforts, your plants have been dying? Are you tired of seeing how they start turning yellow, bronze and purple all of a sudden? Even when you are giving the right amount of water to it? Don’t worry! This article will list all the reasons behind these discolorations and will tell you different ways to identify plant nutrient deficiency.   This article aims to cover everything that you need to know about plant nutrient deficiencies. You must know that there are sixteen nutrients essential for the plant’s growth: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Potassium, Phosphorus, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphur, Boron, Chlorine, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum and Zinc. Some of these are macronutrients, while others are micro. Collectively, all these nutrients are required for the growth of the plant. But, if you get to know the identification of any deficiency, you will save your plant from further damage and may save it from withering away.   There are few common symptoms for the deficiency of few elements. However, sometimes there are few exceptions made as we get to see that one excessive element can cause the deficiency in the other, so maintaining a balance is necessary for their effective growth.

Identification of Macronutrients Plant Deficiency:

Nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus are the three macronutrients as they take most of the space inside a plant and here are listed different ways to identify their deficiencies and overcoming the issue by taking the necessary measures:  

1. Nitrogen:

It is absorbed by the plants in different ways, one of which is through the soil in the form of nitrates and nitrites. These nitrates and nitrites are easily dissolved in water, and hence when the water reaches the plant’s roots, the nitrates are also taken up by them.   The function of nitrogen is to speed up the maturity and growth of the plant, to make the seed ripe and to rapid the growth of the plant. It also serves as a way to develop long and strong leaves. Deficiency: How beautiful the yellow leaves look on streets and, in the gardens, right? But have you ever wondered why do these leaves, shining bright in green all of a sudden, turns yellow? What takes their happiness away that them change their color? The reason behind it is the deficiency of nitrogen which turns the leaves all yellow, draining all the green away. Reason: When a high amount of organic matter sawdust is added to the soil, it automatically robs the plant of nitrogen. Solution: Now that you have identified the problem, the next comes its solution, which in most cases is unknown to the people. But we will be covering everything that comes under plant nutrient deficiency. Here are some ways to make your plant rich in nitrates and nitrites again;  
  • Add coffee grounds to the soil.
  • Plant nitrogen-fixing plants; beans or peas
  • Plant a green manure plant, borage
  • Mix composted manure in the soil.
  These four different ways can save the rest of your leaves from dying as they restore their green color. And we know how much you love organic, so all these four methods are pure organic in nature.

2. Phosphorus:

The second major nutrient needed for effective plant growth is phosphorus. Phosphate is taken up by the plants. It is needed for photosynthesis formation and seed germination. It is also needed for the blooming of the flower and the refine budding. Deficiency: The identification of the deficiency of phosphorus can be seen in different ways. One of which is a pigment known as Anthocyanin that is accumulated in the downside of the leaves, which settles the purple or bronze color and it serves as the major symptom of the phosphorus deficiency. Reason: If the plant doesn’t get the phosphate dissolved in soil, it starts to decolor and thus results in a deficiency. Solution: Livestock manure or the said fertilizer is mixed in the soil to provide it with phosphorus and get rid of its deficiency.

3. Potassium:

Potassium is also taken up by the plant, just like nitrogen through the water. This is the reason it is the third major constituent for plant growth. Rock powder and wood ash are also few more sources behind the potassium consumption of the plant. Deficiency: If you are looking at the changes made in the lower portion of the plan, then within an instant, you should know that there is something wrong with the amount of potassium the plant is absorbing because the potassium deficiency occurs immediately in the lower portion, which gradually then travels to the upper portions. Necrosis and yellowing of leaves occur in the plants when there is potassium deficiency. This necrosis occurs from the edges and is extended to the midrib. Reasons: There are multiple reasons for the plant deficiency, absence of true soil, imbalance in the pH of the soil, excessive calcium or lime in soil or lack of oxygen in the soil. Solution: To avoid plant nutrient deficiency, you need to take some measures, which include; Banana peels which are one of the most effective methods to increase the amount of potassium in your plant as they are rich in potassium. Note: Giving potassium doesn’t reverse the chlorosis even when the plant totally recovers from its deficiency.


Identification of Micronutrient Plant Deficiency:


1. Calcium:

Calcium is one of the many micronutrients which can cause plant nutrient deficiency if not given properly to the plant. Deficiency: If the new buds of your plants are not growing or are showing stunted growth, don’t need to panic at all, as we will be telling you the reason behind it. It is the calcium deficiency that retards the growth of the new buds and leaves. Not only that, if you see brown leaves of the edges of the leaves turning brown, then it also constitutes calcium deficiency. Reason: Soil is one of the major reasons for the development and death of the plant. Sometimes, the acidic, sandy, and coarse soil results in the deficiency of the said nutrient. Solution: You can try adding lime to the soil, which helps in raising the amount of calcium in the plant. Furthermore, there are several other ways tomato seedlings and eggshells are very beneficial for the elevation of calcium in plants.

2. Boron:

Plants uptake the Boron in the form of borates through the soil. Boron is also one of the micronutrients and is very important for the healthy growth of plants. Deficiency: There is a very eye catchy term known as “witchy brooms,” associated with the deficiency of the Boron. This witchy broom proliferates leaf edges and turns into a round and curved shape giving it a shape like a broom which is the major symptom of boron deficiency. They are also discolored. Reason: Excessive amounts of calcium can result in a decreased amount of Boron, and sometimes there is not enough Boron in the tap water, which results in a deficiency. Solution: Your problem-solves if you follow these few steps:
  • Shower Boric Acid to the plant through the water.
  • Spray the Boron on the leaves in a maintained way to avoid the deficiency.
  So, the next time if you discover symptoms like these, you will know what to do.