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Tips for Picking the Perfect Pumpkin

Tips for Picking the Perfect Pumpkin There’s nothing like a good pumpkin. Not only can you eat it, but also decorate it, carve it, and pick it! For the endless joy that a pumpkin can bring, these members of the squash family have long been recognized before we ever enjoyed their contents. In North America, where pumpkins were believed to have originated, Native Americans ate it regularly as part of their diet. Dried strips of pumpkin were woven into mats and would also be roasted to store for later. When settlers later came, they incorporated the pumpkin into a variety of recipes, like desserts and stew. Once, after a few colonists sliced off the top of a pumpkin and filled it with various spices, milk, and honey, they baked it in a fire. What came out was the origin story of the humble pumpkin pie. Yet, most of us commonly associate pumpkins with cool fall weather and Halloween spirit. The jack-o-lanterns that were used on that magical Halloween night dated back to at least 3,000 years in the past for the purpose of welcoming deceased loved ones and protecting against evil spirits. Today, the pumpkin has stuck with us ever since and we use it for all sorts of fun traditions, like finding the perfect one from the pumpkin patch. They can come in all colors, shapes, and sizes, so it can be hard to pick out the right one. To help you in your pumpkin picking endeavors, here are the top 10 tips for picking the perfect pumpkin.
  1. Beware of the Mush
Just like your fruits, you’re going to want to avoid mushiness in your pumpkins. Rather, it should be completely firm to the touch. Even if it appears perfect on the outside, run your hand along the surface to see if you notice any soft spots. That mushiness could indicate that it’s already decaying on the inside, which won’t smell good later on.
  1. No Blemishes
Try to find a pumpkin that doesn’t have any spots — especially the brown ones. Even the tiniest of brown spots could tell you that small bugs have dug a hole and wriggled in to chew on the inside. Not only is that a surprise you don’t want to find come carving day, but it will also limit the shelf life.
  1. Solid Orange
If you’re going for a traditional pumpkin, you’re going to want to find a pumpkin that looks the most orange all over. Slight discoloration is normal, but don’t go for a slightly green pumpkin thinking that it’ll be ripe like a fruit later on. It could indicate that something is wrong with the pumpkin inside.
  1. Get a Grip on the Handle
Don’t forget to test the handles of every pumpkin you consider. If you pick it up and the stem bends completely over and snaps, you can forget about buying it. Once you pick up a pumpkin with a dark green or black stem that’s hard and sturdy, you’ve found a great one. You can gladly be sure that it won’t break when you’re lugging it to and from.
  1. Seek the Shape
If you plan on carving the pumpkin and having fun with the seeds inside, you’re going to want to find a pumpkin that gives you the best shape. A round and oval shape is usually your best bet for a large canvas containing lots of delicious seeds. A deformed pumpkin won’t give you that same joy.
  1. Frost Damage Alert
If you live in an area that can get cold in the mornings or later evenings, you’ve got to watch out for frost damage that can potentially shorten a pumpkin’s life span. The way you notice frost damage is by examining the top of the pumpkin by the stem. Make sure it has a vibrantly dark color. If it’s dull, then damage has been done.
  1. Excellent Exterior
Every pumpkin that has to be carved must have a great exterior. That way, you can carve safely without worrying about it falling over. Instead of going for a pumpkin that’s too round, try to find an oblong shape that conveniently also has a flat bottom. After all, you want it to sit and display well to show off your cool carvings.
  1. Characterize your Pumpkin
Remember, your pumpkin can be whatever you want it to be! It doesn’t have to be completely perfect. There are a variety of heirlooms that have characteristics that make them unique, like bumps, lumps, and colors. You can incorporate them as part of your designs and give your pumpkin that special look.
  1. Thickness
Keeping the thickness of your pumpkin can come in handy when it comes to what you want to do with it. If you’re planning to cut through it, try to grab one that sounds hollow on the inside. If you’d rather cook it, find a pumpkin that has fairly thick walls. Factors like flavor and texture can affect the outcome of what you cook, so be sure to ask staff what it is you’re looking for. They’ll be happy to help!
  1. What Makes You Happy
No matter the shape, size, or color, follow your heart when it comes to picking pumpkins. You or your kids are out here to have fun, so enjoy the experience of picking pumpkins without nitpicking at the details. After all, staff members are eager to help with whatever questions you have. The joyful memories will far outlast the quality of the pumpkin, so go get out there and find one that speaks to you!