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How to care for Indoor Cactus Succulent

How to care for Indoor Cactus Succulent

Choice of Cactus Succulent:

Desert flora are captivating plants and fit into a wide range of home stylistic theme styles, simple to a lot of captivating layouts, anything with a bit of southwestern! People like me must feel the need to gather various small cactus plants in plain view and bring them home because plants are just more than a static layout. If you are also looking for a unique and elegant plant to grow indoor and give your house or garden a presentable look – think about Cactus succulent. Succulents are plants with thickened and fleshy leaves. They can store water for a long time.  Their capacity to hold water will help them to flourish in warm and dry environments, which makes them the best fit to be grown in houses. Most succulents are associated with Cactaceae, the cactus family. Cactus and succulent are included in the same category because of the same characteristics. So, the choice of the cactus succulent is best as an indoor plant.

Habitat of Cactus:

The natural habitat of most cactus succulents is a desert. If you focus on growing these plants indoors, it is necessary to reproduce their natural environment.

How to care for Cactus?

Here are the primary things that you need to consider when growing your Cactus indoor. This guide on how to care for cactus plants will help you to nourish them excellently.

1. Provide Best Medium:

Choice of medium is necessary to provide your Cactus, a good aerated pot to grow. Use such pots where there are no chances of leakage of water and removes excess water thoroughly. If there is the passage of air in the pot, it will avoid the chances of root rotting, and excess water will evaporate from the pot.

2. Adequate Sunlight:

Sunlight is essential for each plant to grow, but here Cactus is the desert plant; it needs a lot of sunshine to grow properly and stay fresh. Different Cactus need different hours of sunlight, but, on average, a desert cactus needs four hours of sunlight. If you place Cactus inside a house, then place it near the window or the door where it receives direct sunlight. The south direction for the Cactus is best.  If you place it in a garden, then don’t put it all day long under the sun. Provide it with some darkness; it finishes hours of getting adequate light.

3. Soil for Cactus:

Add some small stones or gravel to the pot before you add the soil to it. It will help easy water drainage. Use dirt-free soil because dirt will stop their growth. Succulent’s roots are very soft and fragile. If there is a need, mix a little sand or perlite into the soil to let the roots settle down into the soil.  Do not overfill the pot with the soil.
  1. Watering and feeding:
The best characteristic of cactus succulents is that they can store plenty of water, but this doesn’t mean they require a small quantity of water. Water is included in the main care for Cactus to grow freshly. Do not use the tap water directly as it will flood all the minerals out. While they are in a growing season, give the water once a week. Otherwise, most of the cactus succulents can survive up to two or three weeks without water.

5. Fertilizers:

As cactus succulent is a desert plant, it does not require many fertilizers, but it is good to provide them fertilizers while growing them indoors during spring or summer seasons. Do not over-fertilize it as it becomes the cause of more bugs and pests in the pots, thus weakens the plant.

6. Ventilation and Temperature:

In summer, the Cactus needs enough ventilation because, being a desert plant, it can survive at high temperatures. In summer, they can withstand the temperature changes, but sometimes they become drought due to excessive heat. Keep changing their location when you notice their leaves are drying. Proper aeration and humidity are also necessary for the growth of Cactus. If you place cactus succulent near the aerated window, it will help them grow. Moreover, they give a pleasant smell and also refresh your room.

7. Re-potting:

Spring can be the best time for their re-potting. For re-potting, follow the following procedure:
  • Water the cactus plant and wait for it to drain completely.
  • Wear gloves to protect your hands from infection or any reaction to bugs and spikes. Now remove the old soil from the pot. Be careful that you do not damage the roots of the Cactus.
  • Now put potting soil into the medium and gently press it so that it will settle down.
  • Give a little water to the soil and leave it for few days to firm down the roots into the new potting soil.

8. Change Location Regularly

Though cacti are not very demanding if you keep them, it is necessary to care for them in the best suitable way. Try not to put the pot of Cactus at the sample place for days; change their location regularly.

9. Cleaning and Inspection

It is very necessary to clean the place regularly where your pot is placed and also try to dry and clean the pot for the Cactus. It will help to avoid pests enter the pot. The daily cleaning will give a refreshing look to the Cactus and rejuvenate our insight whenever we look at it. Remove leaves daily that may fall from other plants or trees. Otherwise, they will firm down into the soil.

10. Keen Observation

             “Knowing what is best for your cactus, is the best care you can do.”  Keep observing your Cactus regularly. Keen observation will let you know properly what is best for your Cactus. A fresh and healthy look will give you an incredible feeling.  Moreover, it provides a more enchanting look to a cactus as a decoration piece.