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House Plants Are Your Mood Improvers

House Plants Are Your Mood Improvers These days, it can be hard to improve our mood. Especially as winter sets in and the days become a little darker and cloudier, it may feel like the blues are here to stay. One look outside your window reveals lifeless nature where green was once everywhere, and as the hours drag on, you might start to feel that life gets harder than usual. Wouldn’t it be better if something could fix it? Luckily, there is! Introducing houseplants — your new, all-natural mood improvers. Instead of missing the beautiful nature outdoors, visit your local garden center website or nearby to bring the wonders of nature back to your own home. Not only are they beautiful to look at, but they grow alongside you in life. They make your home look instantly better and come in all shapes, varieties, and sizes so that you can always find the perfect complement. For instance, you can have tabletop plants and also plants that wrap around your staircases. As a bonus, house plants have so many benefits that you might not know or take for granted! Let’s take a look at some of the ways that house plants can improve your mood and health for the better.
  1. Allergy Relief
No one likes to deal with allergies and particles that can cause random bursts of sneezing and eye irritation. By inviting house plants into your home, researchers have found that you’ll have far less accumulation of dust and mold. That’s because certain parts of the plants, such as the leaves, work as filters that naturally trap allergens and particles in the air before they can reach your body. Try going for low-light houseplants
  1. Mood Improvement
Have you ever wondered why flowers are a common gift to give to spouses? That’s right! They’re fantastic for improving anyone’s mood. It’s been shown that employees who work in offices with plants feel much happier in their jobs, have relieved stress, and take fewer sick days. Try adding some flowers and houseplants to your home. You’ll start feeling happier as soon as you buy them!
  1. Moisture
Humidity is needed for dry skin and healthy air quality. However, appliances like furnaces and air conditioners can suck all that moisture out, leaving you with much drier air that can contribute to colds and itchy skin. House plants work as natural moisturizers for your air. Spider plants in particular do this very well. One study on these plants found that they increased humidity in a room from 20 percent to 30 percent!
  1. Purifying the Air
Although you may not see it, many of the activities and appliances around your home give off pollutants, known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs). That includes carpets, painting, cleaning, and even using the printer! While not harmful in small levels, they can quickly build up in the air and make it harder to breathe. Plus, they also contribute to irritation in both the skin and eyes. By bringing in houseplants, they can absorb all those VOCs and purify your air!
  1. Great Digestion
If you’ve ever wanted a mini-house garden, this is a great chance to bring in some herbs on your counters! Small little house plants like mint do wonders to stop gassy stomachs, bloating, and other digestion problems. They come in lots of different varieties, like peppermint and spearmint. You can also toss in some basil for a diverse garden.
  1. Relax and Rewind
House plants can be extremely therapeutic. They’re not only fragrant and light on your nose but can also help reduce your stress and anxiety. Lavender is one of the best plants to help you relax. They’ve been commonly used for herbal medicine and the oil is great to inhale or massage for aromatherapy. Staff are always happy to guide you to the most relaxing house plants!
  1. First Aid Health
 Among the many benefits of houseplants, did you know that they also can act as first aid? Aloe vera is a perfect house plant if you’re looking for that quick aid in a sticky situation. If you’ve given yourself a small burn from the sun or the stove, the aloe juice can be wonderfully soothing on the skin. Plus, if you have skin conditions like psoriasis, it can calm down the itching as well.
  1. Soothing Sleep
We all know that plants suck up all the carbon dioxide in the air and give off wonderfully fresh oxygen that we need to breathe. Extra oxygen in the air can even help us sleep a lot more peacefully. On that note, there are a variety of houseplants that can produce oxygen even after the sun goes to sleep. Try opting in for a few daisies the next time you’re looking around.
  1. Relieve that Stress
There’s something about plants that make them so calming and friendly to have around. Multiple studies have shown that people have felt so much calmer with plants around whenever they had to work through a stressful task. Their blood pressure, heart rate, and cortisol levels all experienced a decrease. While all house plants tend to have this effect, staff can give you some recommendations based on your preferences and decor layout.
  1. Better Clarity
We all have tasks every day to do that require clear minds and sharp focus. In times where it’s tough to concentrate all your energy, house plants can step in and do some of that grunt work. By just having them around, it’s easier to memorize and concentrate. Students have done a lot better on school tests when they have at least three potted plants in the room. If you want better efficiency when it comes to doing everyday tasks, go grab some house plants today!
  1. Quicker Healing
If you have a loved one that’s in the hospital or recovering from surgery, adding a potted plant or a bouquet of flowers can do much more than just being a kind gesture. Research has found that it can actually help them heal a lot faster and have a higher pain tolerance! Try adding some orchids next time you swing by their room. They’ll be more than thankful.