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Fruit Trees in Tropical USA (Florida, Texas, Southern California)

Fruit Trees in Tropical USA (Florida, Texas, Southern California) Suppose you have a backyard at your home, then why you are buying the fruits from the market. You can enjoy your own home grown fruit if you know which plants are suitable according to your climate and how to care for them. The climate of the Tropical USA is ideal for growing many fruit trees. After their plantation, you just need to take a little bit of care of the trees, and it is guaranteed that you will get a prolific production. Imagine you get up in the morning, go to your garden and pick up your own fresh fruits from the trees and make fresh juice for breakfast. Wouldn’t it be satisfying? Of course, it will be. So if you are now thinking about planting fruit trees, then choosing the right fruit trees according to your climate is the key to your success. Growing fruit trees in the Tropical US is pretty easy until you are taking good care of them. You just need to know which cultivar grows best in your conditions and a few growing and caring tips. And here you go with your backyard fruit garden. Fruit trees not only give you production but also add an artistic and ornamental effect to your garden. So, let’s take a look at the climate of Tropical USA and the types of trees that can be grown there. The climate of Tropical USA: States of Tropical USA are known for their pleasant and mild weather. In summers, the temperature ranges from 31 degrees Celsius to 33 degrees Celsius. In summers, humidity is high that may increase the heat. While in winter, the maximum temperature is 20 degrees Celsius. So the climate of the Tropical USA is pretty suitable for most of the trees because it has both winter and summer seasons. Tips to Grow Fruit Trees: Choose a location that receives a minimum of eight hours of full sunlight each day because fruit trees need that to survive and produce. Be sure that the height is not limited by any structure such as buildings, bridges, or any other tree. It will restrict the trees from reaching their maximum size. Choose the trees according to your climate, therefore know your regional climate first, and then decided the fruit trees to plant. Prepare your soil and dig the hole in it before bringing the plant from the nursery. Fruit trees can be of three types depending upon their sizes upon maturing: Dwarf: They grow up to 8-10 ft and are less productive. Semi-Dwarf: They can grow up to 10-15 ft and give more production than dwarf trees. Standard: Their height can reach up to 20 ft and even more and are the most productive ones. Search that if your trees are self-pollinating or not. In this case, if your trees are cross-pollinating, you will need two same types of trees to get fruits. For most fruit trees, moist and well-drained soil is best. Choose diseases and insect-resistant varieties so that you don’t have to spend much money on sprays. Best Fruit Trees to Grow in Tropical USA: As discussed earlier, not every type of fruit can be grown in Central USA due to its cold climate. So here is the list of the best fruit trees that can be planted in the Central US.
  1. Grapefruit:
If you are confused about that which fruit trees should be grown in southern California, then you should go for the citrus family, especially grapefruit. Because the climate and soil conditions of southern California are best for growing grapefruit. Grapefruit prefers full sunlight; therefore, plant it in the part of the garden which has no shade and receives the maximum of sunlight. Blooming starts in early winter, and fruits get ready in late winter and early spring to pick. They grow up to 20 ft tall and sometimes reach up to 40 ft also. Pick up your grapefruits from your backyard and enjoy their fresh juice.
  1. Figs:
If you are too busy with your life and want to grow a fruit tree that needs a little bit of care and look after the Fig tree could be your ultimate choice. Due to their striking taste and culinary use of their leaves, figs have much reputation in Tropical USA states. They prefer full sunlight and need well-drained soil. They can also grow in nutritionally poor soil. They can attain a height of up to 10 ft. They start ripening in summer all the time from June to August. Brown turkey variety is the best variety to grow as it is self-pollinating and gives a good production. It also needs regular Pruning to give prolific production.
  1. Lychee:
Lychee is another juicy and fleshy fruit with a dimpled red coating having a unique taste. Here’s a pro tip. Always buy a lychee plant from the nursery and plant it. It prefers full sun exposure, temperature not less than 4 degree Celsius, and summer heat. It is well acclimatized to the soil of Florida. It is also sensitive to frost. I don’t intend to grow a lychee tree from its seed because it will take almost 10-20 years to get a fully mature tree. They are also used as ornamental trees due to the beauty of their fruits.
  1. Dragon Fruit:
You might have seen pink-colored fruit with a dragon-like scale. What did you think of it? A dragon egg? Not exactly, but it is dragon fruit. It has sweet white flesh with small black seeds. It is a climbing fruit tree, and you will need support if you are going to grow it. It doesn’t need watering regularly, but you do need to apply water when you feel it is getting dry. It is harvested through early summer to mid-fall.
  1. Banana:
When we talk about sweet fruits, banana comes first into the mind. In some countries, it is also used for cooking in some countries. They require full sun and space from other plants to grow well. Fertilize the banana tree during the first four months of growth as they will decide that ho much fruit the tree will produce. Coming toward the best varieties, Dwarf Cavendish and Musa Acuminata are the best varieties because they are tolerant to cold weather and disease resistant. Conclusion: Tropical US states are suitable for a large variety of fruit trees. You only need a little bit of care and a good cultivar to get a good production. However, Citrus, Figs, Lychee, Banana, and Dragon Fruit could be a great choice to grow in the Tropical US. So what are you waiting for now! Go and fill your garden spaces with fruit trees.