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Strawberry Red Stele Disease

Strawberry red stele disease Common name Strawberry red stele disease Causal agent Strawberry red stele disease is caused by a soil-borne fungal pathogen that is a member of the genus Phytophthora. It causes damage to the root system and turns the core of the root red, hence called red stele. Scientific name Phytophthora fragariae Symptoms & Signs The fungus attacks the roots from the tips, turning the core or stele of the root red. The crown turns brown, and the new crown roots die, displaying a single primary root with a rat-tail appearance. Infected plants are characterized by stunted growth, with reduced foliage and runners. The leaves lose their shine and show premature autumn color. Diseased plants wilt and die early. Transmission The fungal spores are spread by infected water, soil, and contact with infected tools. The spores are motile and can swim to the surface. Hence, plants grown in saturated soil at cool temperatures are more likely to be infected. Time of concern Winter and early spring Common hosts Strawberry Loganberry Potentilla