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Onion Pink Root

Onion pink root Common name Onion pink root Causal agent Onion pink root is a fungal disease that mainly affects onions. Stress, such as drought, cold, and nutritional deficiencies, can aggravate the disease. Scientific name Phoma terrestris Symptoms & Signs It affects the growth of the plants, resulting in stunted growth and dieback of shoots and leaves. The roots turn pink and later red or purple, along with extreme dryness. The bulbs are also smaller in size. Although this disease does not cause plant death, the bulbs may be rotten. Transmission The fungus mainly spreads to other plants through irrigation water and contact with infected tools. It enters the roots directly from the soil and does not need an opening or wound to infect the plants. Time of concern Early spring to late summer Common hosts Onion Garlic Cereal Corn Cucurbit Pepper Soybean