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Needle Blights and Casts of Pines

Needle blights and casts of pines Common name Needle blight and casts of pines Causal agent Needle blights and casts of pines are caused by a group of pathogens with similar characteristics. They commonly attack the pine needles and cause defoliation, spots, and blights. Scientific name Dothistroma pini Scirrhia acicola Lophodermium seditiosum Symptoms & Signs The initial symptoms include spotting and banding on the needles, which fuse together to enlarge, turning the entire needle reddish-brown. The infection starts from the lower, more mature needles and moves toward the younger needles. Premature defoliation is a characteristic feature of this disease. White fruiting bodies also appear on the needles. Transmission The spores are produced in the spring and travel to other plants through wind, water, and infected tools. Time of concern Early spring to late fall Common hosts Longleaf pines Scot pines Austrian pines Ponderosa pines