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Lilac Blight

Lilac blight Common name Lilac blight Shoot blight Blossom blight Causal agent Lilac blight is a bacterial disease caused by a bacterium belonging to the genus Pseudomonas. Scientific name Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae Symptoms & Signs The initial symptoms of lilac blight include brown, water-soaked lesions that increase in size as the disease progresses. They may be surrounded by a yellow halo as well. Flowers and buds can also be affected, resulting in black flowers and the death of the buds. It causes the leaves to deform and girdles the stems, causing the death of the plant. Young shoots are more prone to infection that turn black and die. Transmission The bacteria overwinter in the cankers, infect soil and debris, and spread to other plants in the spring. Insects, infected tools, wind, and water are a few carriers of the bacterium through which it travels. Time of concern Early spring to late summer Common hosts Japanese lilac Persian lilac Chinese lilac Blueberry Forsythia