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Dry Bud

Dry bud Common name Dry bud Bud rot Gray mold Causal agent Dry bud rot is a fungal disease caused by members of the genus Botrytis. It is commonly found in cannabis, causing the death of the plant. Scientific name Botrytis cinerea Symptoms & Signs Dry bud is a common problem in cannabis crops and affects the buds, stems, flowers, and leaves. The fungal infection starts on the inside and gradually moves outwards. The plant surface becomes soft and mushy and turns dark. After that, the entire surface shows a fuzzy, webbing mold. It hampers the water and nutrient uptake of the plant, causing its death. Transmission It spreads through spores that travel by means of wind, water, infected equipment, and human contact. The primary cause of dry buds is high humidity (90-100%) and low air circulation. Time of concern Early spring to late summer Common hosts Cannabis sativa Cannabis indica Cannabis ruderalis