Brown Rot Gummosis – Monilinia fructicola – Monilinia laxa
Brown rot gummosis
Common name
Brown rot gummosis
Causal agent
It is caused by fungi belonging to the genus Monilinia. It majorly affects the Prunus family.
Scientific name
Monilinia fructicola
Monilinia laxa
Symptoms & Signs
Brown rot gummosis is characterized by the production of a sticky substance from the stem cankers and mummified fruit. It is usually seen around the wounds on the bark. The gum also keeps the blossoms attached to the tree. Besides gum, the fruit is also covered by spores that help in the further spread of the disease.
When spring arrives, the fungi start producing spores. These spores are carried by wind, insects, or water to other healthy trees, where they infect the stems forming cankers.
Time of concern
Early spring to fall
Common hosts