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Blueberry Cane Canker – Botryosphaeria stem canker – Botryosphaeria corticis

Blueberry cane canker Common name Blueberry cane canker Botryosphaeria stem canker Causal agent It is a fungal disease caused by a fungus belonging to the genus Botryosphaeria Scientific name Botryosphaeria corticis Symptoms & Signs Lesions start appearing on the primary cane as small, reddish, pimple-like swellings. The lesions start getting larger, giving the cane a blistered appearance. As the disease progresses, the stems may crack too. It can spread throughout the plant, causing the death of the plant when cankers spread to the roots. Transmission Blueberry cane canker can spread to other healthy plants by means of wind, water, insects, and infected tools. Dry weather conditions, such as drought, increase the risk of infection. Time of concern Spring and early summer Common hosts Blueberries