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Blossom Wilt – Monilinia laxa – Monilinia fructigena

Blossom wilt Common name Blossom wilt Apple scab Pear scab Causal agent Blossom wilt is a fungal disease caused by fungi belonging to the genus Monilinia. These fungi affect the fruit trees, especially the pears and apples. Scientific name Monilinia laxa
  1. fructigena
Symptoms & Signs Blossom wilt causes the flowers to shrivel and brown during their growth period. It also shows small, brown pustules of fungi on the dead tissue. The infection can spread to fruits as well and cause brown rot. Transmission Birds, insects, winds, and water spread the disease. The spores enter the healthy trees through open wounds caused by birds or trauma. Moist weather conditions favor the growth of fungi; thus, the disease spreads more in spring and early summer. Time of concern Mid-spring to early summer Common hosts Apples Pears Plums Cherries Stonefruit Peaches