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Big Vein

Big vein Common name Big vein Lettuce big vein Causal agent It is caused by a virus called lettuce big-vein-associated virus. The soil-borne virus is transmitted to the lettuce by means of a fungus named Olpidium brassicae. This fungus attaches to the roots of the lettuce and transfers the virus into the plant. Another virus involved in the disease is the Mirafiori lettuce virus. Symptoms & Signs Big vein is identified through the large, bulging veins in the leaves of the lettuce plant. This causes the rest of the leaf to be disheveled and malformed. The deformity becomes even clearer when observed right before the light source. If the disease progresses, the lettuce head fails to form. Transmission Big vein is transmitted through the fungus Olpidium brassicae Time of concern Spring and winter Common hosts Lettuce