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Tawny Emperor – Asterocampa clyton

Tawny Emperor – Asterocampa clyton Common Name: Tawny Emperor Latin Name: Asterocampa clyton Appearance:  The Tawny Emperor, whose formal name is Asterocampa clyton, is a unique species of butterfly known for the way it looks.
  • Butterfly adult:  Their wingspan is between 2 and 3 inches, which is pretty big for a butterfly. Its upper wings are mostly tawny or brown and have many different designs and marks. Eyespots may be visible on the edges of the wings, which is common in the genus Asterocampa. The eyespots are a form of mimicry that makes the animal look like it has bigger eyes to scare off possible attackers.
  • Underside:The undersides of the wings are generally lighter, often displaying a mottled or marbled pattern. The back wing usually has two big eye spots close to the edge.
Host Plant:  The Tawny Emperor’s young (caterpillars) eat many plants, such as trees and bushes. Hackberry genus plants (Celtis spp.) are common hosts for Tawny Emperor caterpillars. They are very important for the caterpillars’ growth. Territory:  Tawny Emperors live in a large area, including many parts of North America. They usually live in open woods, along the edges of forests, and in other places with host plants that they can eat. They may be found in various woods, but they are mostly found in deciduous and mixed deciduous-coniferous forests. Damages caused by Tawny Emperor: In their caterpillar stage, Tawny Emperors may consume leaves of host plants, particularly those belonging to the Hackberry genus. While they are eating, Tawny Emperors may remove some leaves from their target plants, but they are not usually considered major pests and do not do much damage. Life History and Habitat:  The Tawny Emperor goes through a full transition, with egg, larval (caterpillar), pupal (chrysalis), and adult stages. The adult females put their eggs on plants that are good hosts, and the caterpillars that hatch eat the leaves of those plants. The pupal stage comes before the adult butterfly comes out. Tawny Emperors do well in places with lots of Hackberry trees, which are necessary to finish their life cycle. Their flight schedule and exercise levels match good weather, which is common in the summer.