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American Lotus Borer – Ostrinia penitalis

American Lotus Borer   Scientific Name: Ostrinia penitalis Common Name:  American lotus borer Appearance: American lotus borer consists of large orangish forewings with zig-zag patterns on them. The hind wings are light brown in colour and are completely hidden by the forewings with a wingspan of almost 21 mm. Its larvae are green and yellow with a small brown head. Host Plants or Food:  American lotus borer loves feeding on foliage, especially the leaves of the American lotus plant. Territory: Throughout North America, Western USA, Eastern USA Mode of Damage:  These insects are leaf chewers as well as leaf miners since they obtain their food and pupate in the leaves too. Habits and Life History: American lotus borer is found near marshes and ponds, where the American lotus plant would be accessible. The moths are active from May till September, during which they lay eggs and reproduce. Almost 60 eggs are laid on the upper surface of the leaves of the lotus plant and attached to the foliage by fine silk threads. As the larva matures, it covers itself in a silk net and moves into a rolled leaf to pupate. The pupa turns into a full-fledged moth after a certain period.