Formosan Subterranean Termite – Coptotermes formosanus
Formosan Subterranean Termite (Coptotermes formosanus)
Common Name: Formosan Subterranean Termite
Latin Name: Coptotermes formosanus
- The Coptotermes formosanus belongs to the Rhinotermitidae family, which contains both native and invasive species. Reproductives (kings, queens, and swarmers), soldiers, and workers are Formosan subterranean termites’ three primary castes living in social colonies.
- Swarmers have spherical, dark brown heads with complex eyes and antennae and are bigger than workers.
- The Formosan monarchs and queens are larger than the laborers and troops, but they have evolved morphologically to protect the colony.
- The thorax contains two sets of similarly sized wings that extend beyond the abdomen, and the body color is brown. Soldiers of all other Louisiana subterranean termites have rectangular heads, making it easy to distinguish Formosans from others.