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Grape Cane Gallmaker – Amphelogypter sesostris

Grape Cane Gall maker (Ampeloglypter sesostris)  Latin Name: Ampheloglypter sesostris Common Name: Grape Cane Gall maker Appearance: The grape cane gall maker (Ampeloglypter sesostris) is a true weevil species in Ampeloglypter.
  • This weevil is closely related to the grape cane girdler, and its appearance and life cycle are quite similar. Rather than being black, the species is red-brown.
  • The biggest difference is in this species’ biology: the female punctures the shoot right above one of the lower joints and lays an egg within.
  • Above this, there are further punctures where no eggs are deposited. A scarlet gall or swelling forms in the region as the larva feeds on the pith.
  • The gall is 2.5-5 cm long and almost twice as wide as the cane. When the cane is green, it may break, but it typically survives to provide a harvest the next season as it hardens.
Host plants: Grape and Virginia creeper Territory: Throughout the eastern U.S Damage caused by Grape Cane Gall maker: Adults girdle canes with a row of punctures, causing the canes to break off where they are encircled. This bug creates conspicuous crimson galls on new plant development immediately above nodes. The bulk of galls are located outside the fruit clusters, resulting in minimal yield loss. Gall-infested canes can still provide a harvest next year. Life history and Habits: The female lays an egg in a small hole she chews along the cane well above a node when boots are 10 to 20 inches long. This causes 1-inch-long gall-like swellings on shoots, which can grow twice the width of a cane and be discolored. Galls don’t usually affect plant vigor or yield, but they can make vines more prone to breaking. Adults emerge in late May and spend the winter underground detritus. Every year, a new generation emerges.