Small Carpenter Bees – Ceratina spp.
Small carpenter bees (Ceratina spp.)
Latin Name: Ceratina spp.
Common Name: Small Carpenter Bees
- Small carpenter bees are a widely spread and moderately diverse Xylocopinae (Hymenoptera: Apidae) lineage with about 350 species. Most of them are darkly metallic to black; however, others may be brightly metallic, like the more well-known Pithitis Klug members.
- Small carpenter bees are black with bluish-green or blue highlights. They may have yellowish white patterns on the forehead, thorax, and legs. These bees are only 3/8 inch in length.
- Small carpenter bees are black, bluish-green, or blue, many of which have a yellowish or whitish sign on the clypeus, pronotal lobes, and legs. The following are the differences between the two Ceratina species found in Florida: