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Boxelder Phyllid – Cacopsylla negundinis

Boxelder Phyllis: Appearance, Territory, Damage, and Life Cycle

Latin Name: Cacopsylla Negundinis Appearance: Cacopsylla is a genus of leaping plant lice of the Psyllidae family. The genus contains the majority of the psylla that is detrimental to fruit plants.  Cacopsylla negundinis is a very new insect with no prior research on its behavior or life cycle. Cacopsylla annulata is extremely similar to Cacopsylla annulata but has black rings on each antenna segment. They are 3.5-4mm in size and seem similar to P. annulata, but their antennae are unicolorous with black ends. Hosts Plants: boxelder (Acer negundo L.) Territory: Ohio, Alberta, and Nebraska Damage Insect Cause: Adult and nymphal feeding induce leaf curling, which proceeds to widespread yellowing, stunting, and yield loss. Life History and Habits: Adults emerge in mid-May and develop until autumn when females lay their eggs. The nymphs appear in the early spring. Before becoming adults, nymphs go through five larval stages. Most natural species are univoltine, while some imported tropical species may produce many generations each year in warmer regions. Many species’ nymphs secrete waxy secretions. Adults spend the winter on evergreen shelter plants before returning to their natural hosts in the spring.