Nephrolepis exaltata ‘Golden Boston’ – Nephrolepis exaltata ‘Aurea’ – Sword Fern –

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Nephrolepis – Sword Fern – There are about 30 species of fast growing evergreen or semi evergreen, epiphytic ferns, in this genus. They occur from rainforest or more open habitats in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide. They have short, erect, rhizomes, with numerous runners. The dense clusters of pinnate, fishbone shaped fronds may be erect, spreading, or pendent. Pinnae are usually linear and simple, but may be divided, forked, or crisp in cultivars, of which there are many. Where not hardy, grow as a houseplant, in warmer climates grow in moist, shady sites among shrubs. Indoors, grow in a mix of 1 part loam, 2 parts sharp sand, and 3 parts leaf mold, in bright filtered light, with moderate to high humidity and good ventilation. In the growing season, water moderately and apply a half strength, balance liquid fertilizer monthly. Water sparingly in winter. Out doors, grow in moderately fertile, moist but well drained, humus rich soil in partial shade. Prone to aerial blight, leaf spots, root rots, spider mites, scale insects, and mealy bugs. N. exaltata – This evergreen, tufted fern grows 7′ feet tall and wide in the wild. It produces broad, widely arching to erect, lance shaped, golden yellow fronds which are erect at first then becoming arching then pendent, to 7′ feet long, with shallowly toothed, sickle shaped pinnae. Good in hanging baskets Zones 13-15


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