Eulophia – Orchid

SKU: PDE-160253042 Category:


Eulophia – There are about 200 species of deciduous, mainly terrestrial orchids, in this genus. They occur from grassland and forest from sea level to almost 6,000′ feet high throughout the tropics, especially in Africa. They have pseudobulbs, tuber like corms, or fleshy roots, and produce usually 2, sometimes several, lance shaped to linear, folded or leathery leaves.   Flowers are borne in upright racemes or, rarely panicles. Intermediate or warm growing orchids (see intro.). Grow in containers of terrestrial orchid potting mix. In summer, water freely, applying fertilizer at every third watering and provide high humidity and bright filtered light. Admit full light and keep dry during winter. Prone to leaf spots, cymbidium mosaic virus, spider mites, aphids, white flies, and mealy bugs.


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