Odontonia – orchid

SKU: PDE-160250027 Category:


Odontonia – This hybrid genus of epiphytic, evergreen orchids derived from crosses between Odontonglossum and Miltonia, they are vegetatively indistinguishable from Odontoglossum. They have ovoid to conical pseudobulbs, each with 2 leaves. The flowers have large, flat lips and are produced in tall, arching racemes arising from the base of the pseubobulbs at almost any time of year. Cool growing orchids (see chart below). Grow in small pots of epiphytic orchid potting mix, preferably made with fine grade to suit the fine root system. In summer, provide bright filtered light and high humidity, water and mist freely, and apply fertilizer at every third watering. In winter provide full light and water sparingly. Prone to spider mites, mealybugs, aphids, whiteflies, and cymbidium mosaic virus.


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