Mexicoa – orchid

SKU: PDE-160249993 Category:


Mexicoa – There is single species of a deciduous, epiphytic orchid in this genus. It occurs in oak forest at 6,000′ feet in the Oaxaca region of Mexico. It produces ovoid to conical pseudobulbs, and 1 or 2 slightly leathery, lance shaped leaves. Flowers, borne in erect or arching racemes, are off white to yellow, and longitudinally purple striped, with prominent yellow lips. Cool to intermediate growing orchids (see chart below). Grow in epiphytic orchid potting mix. In summer, provide moist conditions in full light, water freely, feed at every third watering, and mist daily. In winter, grow in drier conditions in full light, and mist lightly. Prone to aphids, spider mites, and mealy bugs.


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