Cedrus libani – – Cedar of Lebanon – Lebanon Cedar – Cedar – True Cedar –

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C. libani – Cedar of Lebanon – Lebanon Cedar – This coniferous tree found from Turkey to Lebanon grows 100-150′ feet tall and 100′ feet wide.It can have a 12′ feet diameter trunk with black or brown scaly fissures and ridges.It is wide spreading branches and is conical young later flat topped with massive spreading limbs held horizontally.The slightly flattened, 4 sided sharply pointed, dark green to gray green leaves to 1 ½” long are carried in whorls of 10-20.Barrel shaped, dull green to brown female cones broadest below the middle, are 3-5″ long. Grow in a sunny, open site, in any well drained soil.If double leaders are produced, the weaker shoot should be cut out in autumn. zones 6-9