Brussels Sprouts

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Matures in 85-90 days and grows 2” feet tall and 18-24″ inches wide – space 18-24″ inches apart Harvest – sprouts when firm, green and 1-2″ inches in diameter. Pick from bottom and work your way up. Remove yellowing leaves as you harvest sprouts. Gemmifera Group – equates with Brussels sprouts, grown as a biennial for the miniature cabbage like heads which grow on the elongating stems, one below each of the large leaves. Trimming is crucial when planting Brussels sprouts since it needs to mature in the coldest part of the year in order to form compact hearts. In warm climates sow the plant in summer, in cold climate in mid spring. In fall remove any yellowing leaves and make sure the soil stays firm around the stem of the plant.There are many cultivars, suited to different soils, yielding smaller or larger sprouts.