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Spinacia – Spinach –

There are 3 or 4 fast growing, tap rooted, bushy annuals, in this genus. They are grown for its highly nutritious,, smooth or crinkled, round or pointed leaves. The leaves are highly variable in size and can be eaten raw in salads or cooked until just tender. Flowers are insignificant. Grows best in a cool climate or as an early spring vegetable.

S. oleracea – English Spinach – This annual from Southwestern Asia grow 6-8″ tall and 1-2′ feet wide. The leaves are simple, 2-12″ long. Unisexual flowers are not evident. Spinach will not germinate in temperatures above 86 degrees Fahrenheit. Sow seeds in rows , 1″ apart. Thin early to about 3″. Harvest leaves 5-10 weeks after sowing when plants are about 2″ tall, or cut the rosette heads when about 1″ above ground and let resprout. Harvest plants before they bolt to seed.

Grow in a vegetable garden, in any soil but best in deep enriched soils, in full sun with adequate water and drainage. Harvest leaves in the 40 days from planting, plant 12″ inches apart, it grows 8-10″ inches tall and wide. Pick leaves as soon as they are large enough to eat. Pick outer leaves first and allow center leaves to enlarge to extend the harvest

Prone to cut worms, downy mildew, and cucumber mosaic virus.

Zones 8-11