Broccoli – Green Magic

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Green Magic – matures in 57 days, head size is 5-6″ inches across and grows 24″ tall – space 24″ inches apart

Harvest – judge by tightness, not overall head size, those homegrown are smaller than those sold from supermarket. Harvest before buds crack open, stem and buds lose their appealing texture becoming mealy even woody. Cut just below heads, buds along stems and side shoots will form smaller heads perfect for salads and stir fries.

‘Italian Green Sprouting’ – is the best known variety. All broccoli is best picked and eaten when young because once the yellow flowers begin to open it becomes coarse in both textured and flavor. It is ideally grown in raised beds. Do not allow the plant to flowers as it will stop growing.Grub and waterlogging are 2 major problems